28.05.06 "INK 808" OUT NOW ON TIGERBEAT 6


Brand new video :

More info : www.tigerbeat6.com
02.05.06 sure to burn and bleed
may 18th
point ephemère - paris - france
dDash + pony pony run run
+ hypo&edh + one-two

may 13th
point ephemère - paris - france
dDash + automat + tacteel + yuksek
+ aï + sebastian + out one + data + skat

S.I.N. dDamage remix

available on Sizzerb Mixtape Vol. 0: Animal Planet
(mar 2006 / 1389 records)
brand new EP to be released on Tigerbeat 6

dDamage : ink808
catref : meow131
release date : may 26

featuring remixes by :
Krazy Baldhead (edBanger recs)
DJ AI (buro / teamtendo)
Krikor (Root Down)
ink808 video available soon :

04.04.06 Your blood is sure to poison your mind

apr 30th
nouveau casino - paris - france
dDash + the ruff squad (tinchy styder + dirty danger)
+ dj maxximus + komori + Jimmy T

apr 21th
chabada - angers - france
dDamage + existereo + subtitle + debmaster
apr 22th
point ephemere - paris - france
dDamage + existereo + subtitle + debmaster + NMS
apr 24th
azimut 854 - nancy - france
dDamage + existereo + subtitle + debmaster + NMS
apr 25th
molodoï - strasbourg - france
dDamage + existereo + subtitle + debmaster
apr 28th
marquise - lyon - france
dDamage + dabaaz + dj gero + ddash + debmaster + les gourmets

apr 07th
tryptique - paris - france
dDash + krazybaldhead + komori
+ damien + tiebreak + georges pompidup
01.03.06 SHARP AS A NAIL
mar 25th
astrolabe - orléans - france
dDamage + dj Gero + Jef23 +
Leonard de Leonard + Maxx + Meninamandine

mar 03th
boxers - paris - france
dDash + Eva Revox
(dj sets)

31.01.06 rhymes galore, giving you more
new compilation mixed by dj detect

photomaton vol.01
01/ On the box
02/ Krazy Baldhead Depicted
03/ Minizza Monoball
04/ HD Project - d.d
05/ Detect Dance division anthem
06/ Mr. Oizo - Lotus suite koln
07/ Ectomorph - Plasticine gene rmx
08/ dDamage - ink 808
09/ Battery
10/ Modeselektor - Barbielon rmx
11/ Ra - Wonderful bastard
12/ Lo-Fi-Fnk - Change channel
13/ Teamtendo - Jammin' on tendo
14/ La Caution - Je te hais
15/ Jackson - Moog acid rmx
16/ Utabi - Yorange peel
17/ Fuck a Loop - Petit nom
feb 17th
tryptique - paris - france
dDash, datA, Radio Clit, Computer Truck, Johnny Banqueroute...

feb 10th
boxer - paris - france
dDash, Eva Revox

feb 02th
point FMR - paris - france
Milkymee feat. dDash, Jimmy Deluxxe, Jana Hunter, Castanets...

07.01.06 SO, FUCK YOU 2006
jan 29th : le loft - paris - france
dDash + mikael weill + aurore victoire + die2die + krikor + david rockmore

jan 26th : le pulp - paris - france
dDash + mr maqs (toxic) + solo (toxic)

jan 19th : la fee verte - lyon - france
dDamage + joseph bliek + nil + pj pargas
check this shit out
next concerts :
dec 04th : pop'in - paris - france
dDash (concert), wilfried*, erik minkkinen, nicolas (don nino)jean-emmanuelle...

dec 09th : dirty old town - göteborg - sweden
Milkymee and boulder dDash meet in Sweden for a magic christmas glögg trip...
Milkymee (concert) featuring dDash

dec 13th : glaz'art - paris - france
dDamage + Paparappper (E-da + Miss Hawaii)

dec 14th : la marquise - lyon - france
dDamage + la caution + les gourmets

dec 30th : le tunnel - metz - france
dDash + dj Detect (dj sets)

Qu’est-ce que la maladie mangeuse de chair? La maladie mangeuse de chair désigne une maladie du nom de «fasciite nécrosante» qui infecte les tissus sous la peau et atteint les tissus adipeux, le fascia (l’enrobage des muscles et des tendons) et les muscles. Les tissus peuvent mourir rapidement en raison d’un mauvais apport sanguin, et parfois entraîner le décès du patient.

29.10.05 no pain, baby no gain.
nov 24th : guinguette pirate - paris - france
dDash2die [dDash+ die2die] : dj set
otto von schirach [schematic] : live

nov 11th : guinguette pirate - paris - france
dDash (dj set), frogpocket [live], leonard de leonard [live]
27.09.05 KICK OUT THE JAMS MOTHERFUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oct 5th : 9 billards - clubbing revolution - paris - france
dDash - dj set + eva revox, laura dern, alx_daa, blisten, wlifried

oct 07th : trabendo - let it bleep festival - paris - france
dDamage - live + µ-ziq, luke vibert, jackson, fennesz, ra, apparat, leila...

oct 15th : l'usine - audioactivity night - geneve - switzerland
dDamage - live + deework, iso brown, piouk, d'incise, mob barley

oct 19th : rex club - U.S.R.19 - paris - france
dDamage - live + tido berman, la caution, clark dj crew

oct 22th : ubu - festival electroni(k) - rennes - france
dDamage - live + die2die, vive la fête, gangpol und mit, run away

26.09.05 sept. events
sept 23th : reithalle - r3s3t night - berne - switzerland
with : operateur fotokopieur, jolanoize, r3s3t dj's
sept 24th : le sas - r3s3t night - delemont - switzerland
with : operateur fotokopieur, jolanoize, simon

sept 21th : tryptique - clarisse works night - paris - france
with : dj detect, modeselektor

sept 11th : the spitz - brick lane festival - london - u.k.
with : mira calix, ra, langage computer

sept 07th : tryptique - rendez-vous électroniques - paris - france
with : dj poulet, vendas heckle & jeckle project, arok & feud’jay